Another Netizen Saying She Was Abandoned by Boyfriend "L"

Another anonymous post on pann.nate has been revealed and this time it is about a celebrity named L.

Here is her story as seen on the Daily Naver Blog

Six years ago, I was in a relationship with my boyfriend L and got pregnant after taking the wrong birth control. As a college student, it would've been hard to raise th child at such a young age and didn't have money to do abortion which I couldn't do at the time because it was illegal and I would've needed a guardian to accompany me. As soon as my boyfriend found out I was pregnant, he cut off contact. 

I remember his words at the time boasting that he had a famous announcer cousin, J, who had just been promoted at a broadcasting company. I was able to get his Kakao Talk ID from a colleague and told him I couldn't contact my boyfriend. I explained the situation and pleaded for his help because I was running out of time. J just sat by the sidelines and told me to resolve it legally.

I was able to find his brother in law, H's Instagram account who was a singer in Japan and sent him a message. I explained the situation and asked for his help, too. He said it was our issue and we need to work it out between us. 

In the end, L never contacted me until now. I remember being in shock and devastated after learned that he was leaving to study in France at the time. I felt sorry for the baby but I couldn't raise it on my own. I borrowed money from acquaintances and asked a friend to stand in as my boyfriend. After that, I had to receive psychiatric and outpatient treatment. Until now, I cannot live my daily life without taking medication. 

Then I accidentally found out that L got married around last year. I found out about his wife's IG account. I was living with pain so I got angry that he was living well. I contacted his wife to reveal everything. She said she would pay for the cost of the surgery if I had hospital records and proofs to confirm that I got the abortion. I told her I just want an apology from him for cutting off contact. But she kept on pushing about depositing the amount of the surgery to my account. 

Until now, I have yet to receive a sincere apology from L. My body and mind are broken but I want nothing more from him. I just want to hear him apologize doe avoiding his responsibility by hiding behind his family for years.

She added another statement to the post so as not to create a misunderstanding.

This post may be misunderstood. At the time, my boyfriend was not a celebrity, he was an athlete and he used to fence.

Before posting her story, she asks for understanding for posting, but she knows that there is power in trending news. She wants to inform the public that there are other famous people like actor K in the industry.

Title of her post was There are even more bastards than Celebrity K. 

Original post here 


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