Wondering Why They Used Bruno Zumino as Name for the Shoe Brand in Little Women

 Little Women gave us two very eventful episodes so far. It was so fast-paced and full of mysteries you would not want to stop watching.

I was just wondering why Bruno Muzino was used as a shoe brand in the drama, when Bruno Muzino is actually an Italian theoretical physicist.
Bear with me for a minute, this is quite interesting although very academic.

According to Wikipedia, Zumino was one of the proponents on proving the CPT theorem. CPT Symmetry is actually about mirror images. Simply put, CPT transformation turns our universe into its mirror image and vice versa. Like a multiverse of some sort (this is how I understand this).

I feel this pertains to Hwayoung and the life she lived. She is a book keeper but she also lives another life in another country where her lifestyle is so different. Like a mirror, where she can see herself but in a different form, with a better more lavish life.  Same as a multiverse, where we exist in different parallel universes. As Hwayoung is. Two countries, same person, different personality.

Also, Bruno Zumino proposed a Math theory on Supersymmetry or SUSY, used to describe the particles and forces in nature. It was conceived to explain particle interactions involving three of the four main forces in nature – the strong, electromagnetic and weak forces.

These forces could be the symbolism for the Oh sisters. 

Among the sisters, who could be the strong, the weak and the electromagnetic.

I'm thinking Oh In Joo as the strong, the force that holds the sisters together. The weak may be Oh In Hye, as of now I see her as the possible souce of damage in the family because of her relationship with Park Jae Sang's family. And the electromagnetic force may be Oh In Kyeong, as the force torn between these two. 

I know the shoes are supposed to be Jimmy Choo shoes, I'm still boggled as to why they changed it into the name of a theoretical physicist.

For sure, more details will come into light in future episodes.  









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