It's Confirmed, Ha Do Young Had Feelings for Moon Dong Eun

 The Glory screenwriter has just confirmed one theory about Ha Do Young's feelings towards Moon Dong Eun.

Fans were thinking, did Do Yeong decided to stay with Yeon Jin because he truly loves her or did he stay because it's the only way for him to keep running into Dong Eun?

Well, Kim Eun Sook herself clarified Ha Do Young's true intentions towards Moon Dong Eun. She explained,
He tells her, ‘I don’t like saying I don’t know, but I still don’t know.’ I wanted that line to pack a lot of meaning.

She further explained that Do Young may not particularly know for sure, but in that scene where he was eating kimbap in a convenience store, he became certain that he really has feelings for her. 

 He knows that he is going to be of use to Dong Eun ONLY if he remains as Yeon Jin’s husband. If he leaves Yeon Jin, there’s no reason for him and Dong Eun to cross paths again. In the moment, he doesn’t know about his feelings—or he isn’t sure about them. But then, when he tries the samgak gimbap, he realizes for sure: ‘Oh, I must have had real feelings for that woman.’

He walks out of Dong Eun’s life as a gentleman, but remember that he’s still an as*hole who pushes Jae Jun off a construction site.

Well, there you go. Finally, closure for those who believed in this theory.

Read full clip here.


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