Lee Seung Gi's Lawyers Release Statement with Regards to His Withheld Earnings for 18 Years


Lee Seunggi's legal representatives have issued a response regarding the singer / actor's earnings from his music which was allegedly withheld by Hook Entertainment for 18 years.

Read details here.

Here's the statement from Lee Seunggi's lawyers issued on November 24,

Hello, this is Lee Seung Gi's legal representative.

First, we apologize for causing many people concerns through Lee Seung Gi's trouble with his agency, and second, we would like to deliver our client's legal position in response to the withholding of his music earnings. 

As reported earlier, Lee Seung Gi demanded that Hook Entertainment provide him with a transparent record of his earnings on the 15th of November, including a record of all sales and profits from the distribution of his albums; additionally, Lee Seung Gi demanded that based on the record, Hook Entertainment deliver all payments withheld. 

Lee Seung Gi has been an artist under Hook Entertainment for the past 18-years ever since his debut, and throughout his career, he has demonstrated complete faith in Hook Entertainment for all earnings regarding his entertainment activities. 

Until this time, Hook Entertainment has not once mentioned matters regarding Lee Seung Gi's music distribution earnings; thus, Lee Seung Gi was entirely unaware that his music was gaining profit. Then, very recently, Lee Seung Gi learned that profits from his music distribution were being withheld from him after receiving a text message mistakenly sent to him by a Hook Entertainment employee. 

After this discovery, Lee Seung Gi attempted to request additional details regarding his music earnings from the agency; however, Hook Entertainment shook off his requests by telling him, 'You are a 'minus earnings' singer,' offering false excuses. 

During this confrontation, Lee Seung Gi was subject to severely insulting and even threatening slander from Hook Entertainment's president. This is no longer simply a matter of unpaid earnings. After hearing such threats and insults, Lee Seung Gi has lost all of his long-held faith in Hook Entertainment and in president Kwon Jin Young, all of whom he considered his family after years of working together. As a result, Lee Seung Gi made the decision to pursue legal action against the agency after careful consideration.

Furthermore, in addition to the lawsuit over his unpaid earnings, Lee Seung Gi intends on pursuing legal action against Hook Entertainment's president Kwon Jin Young over matters regarding the legitimacy of his exclusive contract. 

So far, Lee Seung Gi has forwarded several legal documents demanding that Hook Entertainment release transparent records of all of his entertainment activity earnings. Lee Seung Gi's side sincerely hopes that the agency will fulfill all demands dutifully. 

We feel both grateful and apologetic toward many fans who continue to support Lee Seung Gi. Currently, the singer/actor plans on doing all he can so that these matters do not interfere with his upcoming activities. Regarding the progress of the lawsuits, we promise to notify the public with additional details after a thorough assessment of all facts.



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